Counselling in Gothenburg| In Vision terapi
Do you need someone to talk to? Do you feel worried, low, under stress? Maybe you have difficulties in relationships or wish to make changes to your life? I offer therapy and counselling centrally in Gothenburg.
coming to therapy means that you are taking yourself seriously
Do you take yourself seriously?
Coming to therapy means that you are giving yourself time and space for reflection, allowing yourself priority for a while and putting yourself in the focus. Regardless if you have ended up in a crisis situation or simply would like to develop yourself and find out more about who you are, it is about wanting to feel well, listening to yourself and taking yourself seriously.
We are all shaped by our history whether we like it or not, and our history influences our daily life. The patterns we live by decide how we look upon ourselves. They influence our behaviour and our relationships. Furthermore, we all have potential to develop. When we allow ourselves to see what it is that we carry and take our feelings seriously, we open a door to the solutions we need. The road to change starts within us.
coming to therapy
Through therapy, you will get support to get to know your behavioural patterns and yourself. You may leave patterns, which are no longer of use, behind, patterns which may hinder you rather than support you. In this way conditions for change, growth and wellbeing are created.
You are welcome to get in touch with me for an unconditional meeting. My practice is located centrally in Gothenburg. I work in English and Swedish.
What is therapy? For whom?
We often believe that “being fine” is the normal state. We may not know how to handle a situation when this isn’t the case, when we are feeling anything but well, pondering over or questioning our lives. Taking the help of a professional therapist could be one solution to this situation.
what is PSYchOSYNThESis?
”Psychosynthesis is a method of psychological development and self-realization for those who refuse to remain slaves of their own inner phantoms or of external influences, who refuse to submit passively to the play of psychological forces which is going on within them, and who are determined to become the masters of their own lives.”
Roberto Assagioli, founder of Psychosynthesis
ann-charlotte palm - about me
I have worked in a global corporation with people based in a number of countries, with different professions, for more than 30 years. This experience has made me realise that, although we all are individuals with needs and feelings, we may seem different and have different values and cultures within us.